When the Going Gets Tough, Physicians Get Creative
Category: Physicians Aligned with Core Values, Physicians in Business, Physicians Leading Transformation
I have been wondering how much the economic down turn will affect healthcare and physicians. It’s hard to know, but one thing I DO know is that you can’t sit by and wring your hands. As physicians, most of us have the luxury of knowing our medical skills will always be our back-up plan.
But rather than just “survive” the downturn, how about making a contribution through your creativity and energy? Here are five ways you can share your knowledge and experience through low-cost methods, and at the same time “lift” your patients, clients and colleagues.
At the end of this article, I’m inviting you to a F^REE Teleseminar where I’ll go more in-depth about how you can apply your creativity by developing audios, podcasts, blogs, ezines and other intellectual products.
Creative Idea #1: Record a 30-minute Presentation for Your Patients
Don’t you wish you had an extra 30 minutes you could spend with your Diabetic patients? Or your new moms with their first newborn? You know you have that “speech” inside you, and perhaps you’ve given in pieces. What about sitting down and recording it using your computer audio? Maybe even creating a simple PowerPoint outline? Burn the CD or create a streaming mp3 — either way, it would be a great gift to your patients, and one of those touches that develops loyalty.
Creative Idea #2: Write a Short Booklet – A “How To” About Your Hobby
I’m always amazed at what physicians and healthcare executives are “into” besides their day job. One colleague of mine was heavily involved in Civil War Reenactment. When I asked him “how do you do that,” he was a veritable fountain of information. My immediate thought was: “Wow, you should write that up as a short tutorial!”
If you are an “expert” in something, especially if it’s an off the beaten path hobby or knowledge area, there IS a market for your knowledge. The Internet has the ability to bring like-minded folks together — it’s called “affinity grouping.”
Creative Idea #3: Write a Short Booklet on YOUR Method to Wellness
You’d think that 1 million books on health and wellness would be enough? Actually, no, consumers still appreciate more. One of my clients is creating a series of audio tutorials on Health and Wellness, according to HIM! What we realized is that having the information is one thing, but helping your patients to stick to a plan is another. Because he has a knack for helping patients stay motivated, he is taking his method and creating the audio series.
Creative Idea #4: Start a Medical Blog or Podcast
If you are verbally endowed (in real life or in your mind), consider starting a blog. Your audience can be your patients, if you are a physician, or you clients, if you are consultant. Or you audience could be other physicians or professionals. Blogs are threatening to become the news outlets of our time…certainly they are the great equalizers in the arena of “expert opinion.” It only takes 1 minute to get started (and most blogs are no cost) and you’re part of the “blogosphere”!
Creative Idea #5: Start an e-Newsletter
Many hospitals send out print newsletters to the community, but have you thought of creating a newsletter for your own practice? Written by your own doctors and clinicians? Patients see YOU as their trusted source (or at least they used to), and a personal newsletter, delivered by email is a great way to stay connected, maintain loyalty, and attract new patients (or clients). The amazing part is what little investment is required compared to a hard copy, mailed newsletter.
I hope I have piqued your interest. All the ideas I’ve mentioned above are ones I’ve implemented myself (it keeps me creative and busy!) and that I’ve helped my physician and healthcare coaching clients implement. In March I’m offing an 8-week Tele-workshop on Information Products — see the segment below to learn more and to attend a FREE Orientation Teleclass.
I would appreciate hearing what “Creative Idea” sparked your creative soul….Email me and let me know!