What is My Unique Talent Anyway? An Exercise for Physicians
What is My Unique Talent Anyway? An Exercise for Every Physicians to Try Is your gut or heart challenging you […]
What is My Unique Talent Anyway? An Exercise for Every Physicians to Try Is your gut or heart challenging you […]
Listen to Your Heart, Not Your Head When Deciding Your Path Carlos Castaneda’s classic teachings through his mentor Don Juan […]
Professional and Career Stability: What does it mean to you? What keeps us from taking a career risk as leaders and […]
Want to Grow Your Career as a Physician? Take Time to “I AM” The hardest part of physician career expansion […]
Carlos Castaneda’s classic teachings through his mentor Don Juan lend insight to anyone questioning whether their current path is the […]
One of the most effective ways to start or accelerate a career transition is to write articles about topics in […]
Have you ever noticed how many physicians and professionals in the healthcare field don’t attend to their own health? Or how […]
De-cluttering Your Life: The Sequel by Francine R. Gaillour, MD, MBA, FACPE Want to know a good way to simplify […]
The #1 Secret to Success? Ask For What You Want by Francine R. Gaillour, MD, MBA, FACPE Why do most […]
The last two weeks have been an interesting reminder for me that communicating by email can be not only hazardous […]
by Francine R. Gaillour, MD, MBA, FACPE Bring up the subject of networking and most people think “making a cold call” […]
Let’s start the new year with some esoteric stuff, dear Daring Doctors. For those of you who want to hear […]
You might be in a health system that offers (or requires!) “communication coaching” for physicians,...
For physicians embarking on professional transition, a helpful model I have used with clients is the...
What to be empowered as a physician? Start by using “empowering language” and taking pe...
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